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We have been educating children for over fifteen years. Our goal is to create a place that engages each child.
By learning about those of differing social, cultural and religious perspectives, young people build their awareness of the role of faith in their lives and in the lives of others.
Our Cupid Classes
Place that engages each childExtraescolares en centros educativos
En Robotica Educativa Lab también ofrecemos la posibilidad de impartir clases extraescolares en centros educativos. Consiguiendo así, llevar la robótica a los más pequeños y que aprendan jugando. Si eres un centro educativo y quieres saber más sobre este servicio, consúltanos sin compromiso.
Campamento de verano de robótica
Este verano los más peques de casa podrán disfrutar de un gran campamento de robótica, en el que conseguirán aprender mientras juegan.
Meet our Staffs
Ensure high standards of quality and professional serviceOur staff consists of three teachers and one assistant with experience in early childhood care.
All staff have access to professional opportunities that include international placement, training and professional development programmes.
See Our Kindergarten Photo Gallery! View Now